What are three advantages of a RAW file: Bigger, typically a proprietary format, igher in dynamic range
What is one disadvantage of a RAW file: not an image file per se
What are three advantages of a JPEG file: an image file per se higher in contrast
What is one disadvantage of a JPEG file:fairly small in file size
1. Under the first heading "Capturing the Images," how much of the data
does a RAW file retain after it is captured by the camera?
2. Under the second heading "Processing the Files," what are some of the
things that a RAW file enables a photographer to edit after the image
is taken? Control over things like white balance, contrast, highlights, shadows, colours and saturation.
3. Under the third heading "Practicalities," what are some of the
factors that photographers must consider when deciding to shoot in RAW? Memory card won’t have the capacity for as many shots.
4. Under the fourth heading "Which one is for you?" why would an
aspiring professional photographer need to know how to work with RAW
files? Spend far more time editing than actually shooting and if you want to be competing with the best