Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Flash Facts and Skills

Part 1:
1: Every flash photograph is two exposures in one
2: Flash exposure is not affected by shutter speed 
3: Flash illumination is dramatically affected by distance 
4: Your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately. 
5: With automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after the shutter button is pressed, and the flash output is adjusted accordingly.  
6: Every SLR camera with a mechanical shutter has a maximum flash sync shutter speed
7: (Applicable to modern electronic cameras only) If you set your shutter speed faster than flash sync, or use Av mode with an aperture setting that requires a shutter speed faster than flash sync for proper exposure  
 Part 2:
1.The further your subject, the more powerful flash you need.
2. The flash is not affected by shutter speed, it'll increase ambient light.
3. Not enough light to illuminate and reflect light back to camera.
4. The max sync speed is 1/200th
5. The guide number for an electronic flash is a way of quantifying it's maximum output in terms that a photographer can relate to aperture and distance.
6. The light can cause problems with shooting directly at the subject, by pointing the camera up you can bounce the light.
7. Can help you get rid of light by expanding it and moving it to the side and getting rid of it.
 Part 3:
 Explain what a "Rear Curtain Sync" or a "Slow Sync" exposure is. Why is this useful?
    A slow sync is a longer exposure and rear curtain sync creates a natural look

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Year in Photos: 2013 part 2

1. Name of Tutorial? Photograph The Night Sky
2. Save and post an example of the type of product this tutorial produces?

3. What equipment do you need?
A very dark, sky no moon, sturdy tripod and camera
4. List of important things to do to prepare for shoot?

5. List of important tips during shoot
500 Rule making sure you can see the stars with your own eye. If you cant it wont show up better on camera.
6. List of important tips on how to process in Lightroom (or other software) after shoot?
Lightroom: RAW file conversion, color correction, basic luminosity control, contrast, sharpening and noise reduction. 

Year in Photos: 2013 part 1

1. What is your favorite image from the collection? The one image of the female marines learning  night-fire techniques during  Marine Combat Training.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
The rule for this photo is balance and simplicity. It is a simple back ground with only having the sun and a field in front of the girls. 
3. Describe the lighting: The light source is the sun which makes it natural the photo was enhanced by the sun because is made it seem more dramatic by showing the rays of the sun.  

4. Explain what work photographer have to do to capture this image? The photographer had to find the right angle that would give the best lighting. They have to move around and take a lot of photos in order to get what they want they have to think about how they want it to look.