Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sim Cam!!!!!!!!!!!(:

F4.-1/125, The background is blurry
F5.6. -1/60,you can kinda see the background
F8.-1/60,You can see the background
F11.-1/30,See the background good
F16.-1/15,more clear
F22.-1/8,See it perfectly

The people get darker with a low shutter speed. the photographer can put a flash on it.



1. What are the advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game? It can captor to photo of the moving players better.
2.. What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO? Sitting on a flat surface will make it take longer to take the photo.
3. What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO? Faster to captor the photo.
4. At the camera near you, please tell me what ISO's are available on your camera?

Shutter Speed(:

high shutter speed

                                                                         Slow shutter speed

At the beginning while the sun is still partially up and the courtyard has reasonable light
a.) the dunking booth-High
b.) the food eating contest-Slow
c.) the rock climbing wall-Hight
d.) someone working at a booth-Slow
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle-slow
f.) the Diamonds performance.-High
Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other-Hight
a.) the dunking booth-High
b.) the food eating contest-Slow
c.) the rock climbing wall-High
d.) someone working at a booth-High
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle-High
f.) the Diamonds performance.-High

2.When you set the camera in "Shutter Prtority" you set the shutter speed and the camrea picks the aperture.
In "Manual" you set the shutter speed and aperture
3. 1/4000

Tuesday, September 27, 2011




1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture? The face.
2. Finish this sentence - the smaller the Aperture the bigger F number, the higher the Aperture the lower the F number.
3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field? It helps make everything your not wanting blurry
4. 18&55

Africa: Black an White(:

1. I feel like the photographer did really good. I really like his work.
2. Thats really hard but i think i would have to say Giraffe under the trees and the trees make like a tunal.
    a.     What kind of camera did he use?Pentax 67II 120film.
    b.     What is his reason for taking the photos? To inform us what is going on in africa to all the elephants.
    c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos? That we will help out the animals and stop the killing
    d.     For close to three months, there had at last been zero reports of any elephants killed or injured in the areas now under the new protection of Big Life's anti-poaching teams and outposts.(brandt)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Academic Shoot reflection(:

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? I had trouble with getting a good zoom and making them clear at showing what the subject was.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Focus was the one that i have to really work on i need to pick a good subject to shoot and not have such a busy back ground.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?  I would make shere i didn't have a busy back ground and you could tell what my subjects are.

4. What things would you do the same? Holding the camera still.

5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve? To me i think that lines.

6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture? Rules of 3rds.

7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is? Rules of 3rds and balance. I think i should re read them.

6 Rules(:

How well did you follow the rule? I feel really good about this photo because it has the lines leading to the girl doing her work .
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subjec is the girl doing a asment outside in the fresh air  she is really focsed.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? Yess because the lines set up where your eyes should look.

How well did you follow the rule? I did ok on this one.
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is the girl looking over her work to make shere it is good to go when she terns it in.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?Yess, i think it is clear because shes in the middal and theres not much happing in the background.
If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I think I could of got a littal closser to my subject and not got the plants thats in front.
                                                                                                                              Rule of Thirds
How well did you follow the rule?Not so good.
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is the boy walking with a simle on his face.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? People could argew about it that it could be the peopl in the back grond reading so maybe not.
If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I could have chosso someone that might of had not that much of a bessiy background be hind them.

How well did you follow the rule? I did ok on this one.
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The teacher with the door and metterl  bath room looking away.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? I dont think you can see because there is such a bissue back ground.
If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I maybe could of zoomed it on my subject and got a littel closer.

How well did you follow the rule? I did ok on this.
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject are the two girls sitting at the front table.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? There could be some confuson but maybe not.
If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I could of  done maybe from a differint angal to not get such a bussy bake ground.

                                          Avoiding Mergers
How well did you follow the rule? I think i did really good on this one.
What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is the boy reading with the plant growing out of his head.
Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? It is very  clear there isn't  a bussy back ground there is only one thing in the photo.

Monday, September 19, 2011


                                                                          The Story
This tells the story of people that are working to save the earth. It shows it by the people in what looks like a garden working hared.
Action and Emotion
The action is the water looking like it is an explosion and they have like their excited.
                                                                              Filling the frame
                                   The frame is filled with people looking on to the table of bubbles!!!!!!!!!(:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rule of Thirds

I like this one for rules of thirds because the towers on in the middle so it the main forces.

Avoiding Mergers

In this photo in the expolson  it lookes like it has a face of some sort . With the expolson serrounding  it the way the smoke is with the indecens make it look like the eyes.


The window that serenade's the flag gives the flag a Little more atancen. With there not being that much of color in the photo  having just color on the flag makes your eye go look color and the color draws your eye to the subject.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This one is really good for Balance because there is a good amount of of men on each side if you dived it in half it will be almost the same


The lines of the building creates the energy with the fell that the guy is going down. With the cemetery of the lines it draws your eye to the man that is falling.


By getting in closer to the photo you can forces more on the main subject. The surroundings of the building aren't so busy so you can have nothing to really distract you.




Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Great black and white photographers, PART 2 (:

Born June 16, 1917, Plainfield, N.J, died Oct. 7, 2009, New York, N.Y. American photographer noted for his sophisticated fashion images and incisive portraits.
Penn would  engaging  his subjectes to sit for hours so that he could get a feel of his or her  personality to the camera. The person is uselly posed infrot of a bare backdroop and is in a natural northern light.Three hundred of Penn's pictures were published in Moments Preserved (1960). He also had other books such as Wolds in a small room(1974), and Passage(1991). 400 examples of his work in portraiture, fashion,ethnic, studies, and still life. In 1996 he donated his archives to the Art Institute of Chicago. The museum organized a traveling retrospective of his work the following year.



This picture makes me feel really sad. My godparents live out there and we were their the night befor it happend.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wecome to my blog(:

Wecome my name is Jackie like my page if you thank its cool!!!!(:


aperture- is a hole or an opening through which light travels.
shutter-is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or a light-sensitive electronic sensor to light to capture a permanent image of a scene
exposure-is the total density of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium during the process of taking a photograph
depth of field- is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.
Most old cameras had an aperture scale graduated in full stops but the aperture is continuously variable allowing selection of any intermediate aperture.
focal length-of an optical system is a measure of how strongly the system converges (focuses) or diverges (defocuses) light.
parallax- is an apparent displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight.
pellicle mirror- is an ultra-thin, ultra-lightweight semi-transparent mirror employed in the light path of an optical instrument, splitting the light beam into two separate beams, both of reduced light intensity.
 pentaprism is a five-sided reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by 90°. The beam reflects inside the prism twice
K. G. Corfield Ltd was an innovative camera and lens manufacturing company based in Wolverhampton.

  • Shutter button
  • mode dial
  • main dial
  • rash button
  •   aperture/exposure compensation/erase button
  • viewfinder diopter adjustment
  • live view/movie recond
  • AE lockAF point selection    
  • quick control
  • ISD
  • menu
  • white balance
  • AF mode
  • playback
  • display button
  • speaker