Thursday, October 20, 2011


This my mommy and me and my pups John, Emilio and Sami, they always try to help me get up,this was about 10min ago and I'm still trying to get up this is also in my backyard.
Here you can see my pups John, Emilio, Sami, my mommy and me i so little that i cant stand up on my own this was 2 days ago and was taken in my backyard. How are can pups be so smart.

Hi my name is Enrique I'm really hungry i may look like a mess but I'm not no I'm really clean i ate all my food my mom wasn't so happy because i got my food all over her new couch This is all happing right now.
My name is Enrique i was really hungry when i got cough i ate all my food off myself my mommy was very upset because i got food all over her new couch i was 3 when this happened i hope I'm still not in trouble for this.

I'm Iza i know how to do a flower with my tong its so cool everyone is like "OH MY GOD" right now because i can do this i was just bored when i was doing this we are at my house. 
My name is Iza i made a cool flower with my tong when i was younger now that I'm a Little older i cant do it was cool when i did it everyone was like "OH MY GOD!!" and i was just doing this because i was bored when my mom was having a party at our House.

Cool Video

What would you like to see featured? Make 1 suggestion on what the maker of the video could work on to improve the movie. I think that the maker can get maybe a Little bit more action shoots. I would want to see videos of football games or volleyball games that i wasn't abel to go to.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school? I think we could do activities that kids do or the class that or the extra class like AG or band or criminal justice.
2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones? I think that we should do phones so that we can use something that we are confusable with. but for the people that don't have camera phones they can use the cameras.
3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus? I think somewhere in the courtyard because every one go in the courtyard some people don't ever go to the front.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Look up HDR photography on google (wikipedia has a great post on this) - set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than current standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods.
1. What do you have to do on the camera to make this type of photo? change the LSO
 2. Look up a Canon T3 on google and tell me if it has the ability to shoot bracketed photos?Yes it can
3. Is there a place on campus we could take a series of photos like this?the gym and  turn off all the lights and then take pictures of people playing basketball or volleyball.
4. Do a google image search for HDR photos and find your favorite, post it on your blog, tell me why you picked that photo and then tell me what techniques (rules of photography) the photographer used.
I picked this photo because I love the beach and iv always wanted to jump of a bridges like this in to the water. I this the photographer used really good Balance and simplicity and good Line because you can see the lines from the wood on the bridge and the line of the made by the bridge leads to the water.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fixed Photo Shoot Post shoot reflection

1. What did you learn about the camera when you took these photos? I learnd how to chang the F-stop and the shutter speed.

2. What do you notice about all the photos and the way they look? The are all blarry and thy get darker as the Shutter speed gets higher.

3. Can you tell the difference between each ISO? Explain how. Yess you can because every shutter speed gets lighter.

4. What does this tell you about ISOs and what it does when you change it when you take pictures. 
The highr the ISO the lighter it gets the so if you wanted to get your photo lighter you should put it to i higher ISO>

5. What about focus? Can you see a difference in the photos? Tell me what differences and similarities you see.  I see that some photos are more clear then others.

6. Post the best photo you took on your blog. Make sure to label the following things: ISO, Shutter Speed, F-stop.

                                              Shutter speed:1/15

7. What do you need to concentrate on when you go out to shoot next time when you have to shoot in Manual setting? Look to see if the lighting goes good with what the ISO and shutter speed. Not make it look so blary.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? The way he has the this set up.  Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? The way its classy but makes you feel like your back in the old days.

I see-the lady smocking and drinking.  The lady holding hands with a man. A smaller version of the lady throe the glass.
I smell, the cigarette. The wine that all around. The Lady's breathe when she talks.
I hear, the lady letting out the smock. The wine glass clingy together. The people talking.
I taste, the smock  from the cigarette. The wine going in her mouth. The taste of the cigarette.
I feel, the subject is really focused. The wine going down her throat. The smoke coming in to the air.

3.) I would make a posters or maybe even a PowerPoint in both ways i could cut out photos the the photographer did and tell some info about him and his life, or for the PowerPoint i could put some of the photographers photos and put something about his life.