Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? The way he has the this set up.  Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? The way its classy but makes you feel like your back in the old days.

I see-the lady smocking and drinking.  The lady holding hands with a man. A smaller version of the lady throe the glass.
I smell, the cigarette. The wine that all around. The Lady's breathe when she talks.
I hear, the lady letting out the smock. The wine glass clingy together. The people talking.
I taste, the smock  from the cigarette. The wine going in her mouth. The taste of the cigarette.
I feel, the subject is really focused. The wine going down her throat. The smoke coming in to the air.

3.) I would make a posters or maybe even a PowerPoint in both ways i could cut out photos the the photographer did and tell some info about him and his life, or for the PowerPoint i could put some of the photographers photos and put something about his life.


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