Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Light Basics and Vocabulary

Part 1
1. What effect does it create?
Butterfly (or Paramount) --creates a small shadow under the nose

Loop -- creates a shadows on the cheeks and slightly on the side of the nose.

Rembrandt -- This lighting creates a small triangle on the right side of the face.

Split -- it creates a strong dark side and lite side to the face, where the line runs right down the middle of the face.

Broad and Short -- broad gives the left side of the face lit and

2. Why use it?

Butterfly (or Paramount) -- mostly for glamor shots.

Loop -- gives dimension to the photo.

Rembrandt -- It gives a classic look that highlights one side of the face.

Split --to create a dramatic and interesting photo

Broad and Short -- it tends to add a 3D quality

3. How many lights or light sources?

Butterfly (or Paramount) -- 1

Loop --1

Rembrandt --1

Split -- 1

Part 2

Fill light-A light that is used to lighten shadow, it doesn't change the main lighting just slightly brightens.
Key light (main light)- The main light source when taking studio photos
Hair light- A light that is aimed at the hair, it helps separate the person from the background and adds highlights.
Background light- a light that helps illuminate the background of the set, and like the hair light, it help separate the background from the subject.
Shadowless- the whole subject is illuminated and there are no shadows visible
 Hard light- is when the light is small compared to the subject.
Soft light- is when the light is bigger compared to the subject.
Grey card-  helps produce a consistent light and exposure in photographs
Reflector- reflects light in a direction where the studio lights cannot be moved to.
Diffuser- Helps soften lights and not make the photo look so harsh.

Part 3

Five Characteristics of Light

Direction: The direction of the lights depend on what type of effect of the photo you want to create.

Intensity: If you want a brighter photo, you increase the intensity, and vice versa if you want a dimmed photo.

Color:   what 'tint' color you want your photo

Contrast: The contrast can change the shadows of a picture, it can highlight and it can darken it.

Hardness: Hardness can sharpen the photo or soften it up.

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